CAS FLAC192 “比較版”
每套裝包括FLAC192、DVD 24bit/96kHz和CD 16bit/44.1kHz共三個形式(format)。
FLAC全名為“Free Lossless Audio Codec”,從名字猜出這是一種沒有壓縮的格式,所以才能重播出最原音,音樂檔案當然也非常巨大,因此只可以儲存在DVD等新一代儲存媒體身上。
這COMPARISON KIT〝比較版〞中DVD 24bit/96kHz可以在任可支援24bit/96kHz的家用DVD 播放機或DVD Rom作播放,PC
或 MAC機用家通過使用支援FLAC軟件,更可把這DVD作現今之Hifi Media / network playback用途。
FLAC192存放在獨立之DVD中,必須使用支援FLAC 192檔案的播放機才可以正常播放。
在HD-Audio(高解像音頻信號) 快速的發展步伐下。24bit/192kHz格式已經成為新標準,更是大部分新音響設備可以支援的格式。除了普通音訊CD (Audio CD)及黑膠唱片(Phonograph Records)外,24bit/96kHz格式是一般的入門階。今天、有適合初階入門者,一個經濟實惠的解決方案,可以欣賞高解像音頻信號之力量。除了下載版本的高解像FLAC音頻信號格式,一個易於儲存在普通硬盤之格式,也延伸至儲存在DVD光碟內。使用FLAC格式的好處是,光碟內不僅有高解像音頻信號,更包括了可打印之小冊子,這就是我們的比較版“Comparison Kit ”。
愛音樂,其魅力就在ACOUSENCE records (原音天碟公司)出品中。傳統上,數字信號 (digital signals)的播放方式被定義為欠缺自然和生硬,這是由人類在直接耹聽得出之結果。說明白點,24bit/96kHz格式正好是普通CD之16bit/44.1kHz的兩倍(44.1x2=88.2)取樣播放,顯著的優勢是,提供更多細節,更有音樂感。從下列(圖1),可看出24bit/96kHz格式,較高的地區頻率(音樂細節),幾乎沒有任何信號被截斷,全數被保留播放。另一方面,在相同的一段音樂,普通CD的限制下,脈衝信號載圖中,細節的音樂幾乎被裁切了,像不存在似的。(圖2)更簡單列出各音訊格式之比較,以24bit/192kHz格式最接近黑膠的聲音。總而言之,接受體驗一個新的音樂層面之魅力吧!ACOUSENCE records (原音天碟)24bit/96kHz或更高之音樂格式,還原音樂的細節,是無容致疑的自然、音色更豐富。
DVD+FLAC and FLAC192 "Comparison Kit"
High Resolution Audio: The DVD+FLAC and FLAC192 Discs
DVD+FLAC Disc contains high resolution audio with 24 Bit/96kHz in two different
formats: As a directly playable DVD and as FLAC files for the Media Player or
DVD can be played on all DVD players, wherein it can be run like a normal CD;
no menu structures, which need a screen for their display.
Moreover, the disc contains the music in form of files in the widely circulated
and popular FLAC format. These files can be read from any DVD ROM drives. FLAC
stands for the abbreviation of “Free Lossless Audio Codec”. Corresponding to
the concept that the comfort of the playing of music files is linked to the
highest playback quality; not only the NO lossy data reduction as in case of
MP3 and other similar formats, but also the significantly better audio quality
as compared to the CD. These FLAC files can be played on a series of Hifi Media
/ network players or it can even be directly played from a Software media player
on a PC or MAC.
Meanwhile all DVD+FLAC sets contain a second DVD(-ROM) with 24Bit/192kHz FLAC
files and are called DVD+FLAC192 (formerly known as "Special
There are two versions available:
1. DVD+FLAC192
2. DVD+FLAC192 "Comparison Kit" - This version includes the standard
audio CD version, too.
The development in the area of HD-Audio and media players is progressing at
a fast pace. Currently the 24/192 format becomes a standard which is supported
by most of the new devices. By now there are affordable solutions for beginners
available, as well. Therefore now it is a mere logical consequence to completely
forego the intermediate step of 24/96 and in the future to only offer this format
alongside the established CD and vinyl. In addition to the download version,
the corresponding FLAC files nonwithstanding should also be available on a physical
storage medium - exactly that is provided by the FLAC192 disc. The FLAC192
contains one DVD(-ROM) with 24Bit/192kHz FLAC files and the printed Booklet.
It is available as "Comparison Kit", too.
Advantages of high resolution audio with 24Bit/96kHz or 24Bit/192kHz
(Image 1) spectral display of a music passage over the time:
24bits / 96kHz -Version above
16bits / 44.1kHz CD-Version below

Love for music and the fascination for its efficacy centrally determine the
operations at ACOUSENCE. Conventional digital signals cannot reproduce the musical
procedures and natural sound structures over the time in a way, as it is felt
by humans at the time of direct hearing of the music. A 24 Bit/96kHz digital
signals offer significant advantages as a result of double effects. On the one
hand, hardly any signals are truncated in higher frequency areas (see above
image 1), and on the other hand, the digital-technological broadening of impulse-like
signals and subsequently the luting and veiling of fine musical and tonal details
is almost not existent. (Below Image 2). In all, this attracts the attention
to itself in a natural, musical and richly colored sound pattern. Experience
the fascination of music in a new dimension!
(Image 2) area within which energy of an impulse is scattered, depending
on the sampling rate (CD=red, 24/96=yellow)