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Concerto in F major (Hob. XVIII: 3-1771) Allegro 9:10 Largo Cantabile
6:54 Presto 4:39
Concerto in G major (Hob. XVIII: 4-1781) Allegro 9:18 Adagio
5:40 Rondo 4:33
Concerto in G major (Hob. XVIII: 6-1766) Allegro Moderato 7:21 Largo
7:47 Presto 3:53
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It is a little known fact that Haydn’s father played the harp, and it must have
been at the center of the young Haydn’s first musical experiences at home.
Although these well known concerti originally had solo parts for keyboard, and
keyboard with violin, it is our guess that Haydn would very likely have approved
of these new transcriptions performed on the harp. We definitely know that Haydn
himself was an ardent transcriber of his own works, and in the style of Haydn
himself, Schrama’s virtuosity combined with the intimacy of the NRCO, make these
well-known pieces sound like new compositions. The harp accentuates the vocal
and melodic qualities of this music in a manner that is different from the
keyboard versions, bringing out entirely different facets of the musical
structure to the listener. In addition all the orchestral scores have been newly
edited and carefully compared with the original manuscripts by Anthony Halstead,
making this version one of the most carefully researched to date. |
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音響技術 (2000/1/1) Author:
SACD造就很多小廠的出現。荷蘭的NorthWest Classics成立於1998,出過幾張CD,近來轉出SACD。成績不俗。這張海頓的豎琴協奏曲就是他們的新出品。海頓的豎琴協奏曲? 沒有聽過吧! 對,是改編的。兩首原是給古鍵琴,一首給小提琴和古鍵琴的作品,當中古鍵琴改為豎琴。彈豎琴的名叫Godelieve Schrama,小提琴則名Elizabeth Perry。兩位除了演奏之外,都有從事音樂教學工作,是教授級人馬。Schrama技巧高超,富有歌唱性,把原來的鍵琴音樂賦予很不同的面貌。 Perry的小提琴亦恰如其份,和豎琴的對答,如閒話家常,不搶而顯功力。荷蘭電台室樂團在Anthony Halstead棒下,秦出典雅、融和、歡暢的管弦之聲。它的弦樂非常醇和豐厚,配合同樣醇和的木管。整體效果十分和諧。令人如沐春風。 豎琴音樂其實很考機的,它的音域很廣,全頻響應都要求很高;彈出來每一粒音要有很好的attack,反應要快;餘韻悠長。弱音要交待清楚。用來試機,很容易突顯出配搭得宜的Hi End組合與次一級組合的分別。這張SACD由於它本身音色討好,在較普通的組合上仍能出到滿意的效果。但在較高級組合上。豎琴的立體感。弦線的力度,琴身的共鳴,體積大小恰到好處,在在都能反映出唱片的優異製作。海頓的交響曲,比諸貝多芬的室樂作品,更覺輕盈精緻。這幾首協奏曲,更是清新怡人,聽後使人俗慮全消。
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